condition mean min max Gametophyte 7.011556666666666 4.91561 9.51247 Male Gametophyte 14.5728 12.386 18.1122 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 17.493955555555555 13.7466 20.6374 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 8.965053333333334 8.1184 9.517430000000001 Sporophyte 13.1646 13.1646 13.1646 Seedling, sporophyte 14.9734 13.8722 16.0746 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 18.1299 16.54 19.7198 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 15.08925 15.0063 15.1722 Whole plant 23.1176 22.6741 23.4419 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 22.7582 20.715 24.7384 Callus 11.5215 11.5215 11.5215 Differentiating Callus 23.325366666666667 22.6509 24.2856 Proliferating Callus 26.4212 24.8302 28.0516 Bulbil 4.13013 4.13013 4.13013 Leaf 11.518381794871795 1.13747 31.7185 Leaf (without leaf tip) 11.7473 11.2828 12.5198 Leaf Tip 12.921266666666666 11.4206 14.1754 Root 9.37933 9.37933 9.37933 Root (without root tip) 26.317066666666665 23.1141 29.0997 Root Tip 12.98725 11.8439 14.5015 Differentiated root 23.2184 21.7213 24.5544 Shoot Apex 19.0748 19.0748 19.0748 Shoot 11.678013333333334 9.60024 13.7055 Shoot Tip 15.0802 13.9655 17.0629 Vegetative Frond 14.2605 14.2605 14.2605 Frond 12.944874444444444 7.82072 18.4882