condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.5609200000000003 2.70019 4.59618 Male Gametophyte 10.06402 9.39794 11.048 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 7.155624444444444 5.26168 9.009739999999999 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 4.552636666666666 3.9988599999999996 5.1353800000000005 Sporophyte 6.67403 6.67403 6.67403 Seedling, sporophyte 9.54899 8.96218 10.1358 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 10.788355 9.81061 11.7661 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 11.52655 11.4649 11.5882 Whole plant 17.153366666666667 16.4834 17.6281 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 18.11006666666667 17.1158 18.9718 Callus 4.68015 4.68015 4.68015 Differentiating Callus 15.1469 14.6889 15.915 Proliferating Callus 17.501566666666665 15.899000000000001 20.6004 Bulbil 2.37981 2.37981 2.37981 Leaf 8.191204033333333 0.046052300000000004 23.522 Leaf (without leaf tip) 8.605966666666667 8.36605 8.75675 Leaf Tip 5.923756666666667 5.41786 6.675619999999999 Root 9.25119 9.25119 9.25119 Root (without root tip) 19.050233333333335 16.7956 20.4223 Root Tip 16.6155 8.96963 24.7666 Differentiated root 18.3847 15.7683 22.046999999999997 Shoot Apex 7.2119100000000005 7.2119100000000005 7.2119100000000005 Shoot 4.950030000000001 3.8392800000000005 6.391030000000001 Shoot Tip 9.066513333333333 7.84231 9.74695 Vegetative Frond 13.7872 13.7872 13.7872 Frond 8.324633703703704 3.7774400000000004 26.3455