condition mean min max Gametophyte 7.05833 5.07532 8.61968 Male Gametophyte 19.99876666666667 17.6095 22.1996 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 21.58052222222222 17.8574 24.0283 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 11.566433333333334 10.3558 12.7405 Sporophyte 24.4761 24.4761 24.4761 Seedling, sporophyte 18.262 17.8918 18.6322 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 18.9068 18.6079 19.2057 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 17.14195 15.4789 18.805 Whole plant 35.84273333333333 35.0059 36.9188 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 37.49196666666666 35.5308 39.9957 Callus 12.4517 12.4517 12.4517 Differentiating Callus 25.837566666666667 24.9165 26.8375 Proliferating Callus 28.5379 27.5102 29.1692 Bulbil 4.77424 4.77424 4.77424 Leaf 19.297483333333332 2.74634 50.0252 Leaf (without leaf tip) 14.9906 14.7577 15.1874 Leaf Tip 24.746466666666667 24.4389 25.1792 Root 9.08894 9.08894 9.08894 Root (without root tip) 23.3376 20.308 24.9177 Root Tip 23.392333333333333 20.0994 28.3674 Differentiated root 30.4063 28.7298 31.4216 Shoot Apex 25.9158 25.9158 25.9158 Shoot 20.3671 18.6247 22.6537 Shoot Tip 21.5338 21.0355 22.2504 Vegetative Frond 22.3154 22.3154 22.3154 Frond 21.28717037037037 11.2972 31.4143