condition mean min max Gametophyte 2.0476236666666665 0.870751 3.1916 Male Gametophyte 0.25716476666666666 0.0855463 0.34921199999999997 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 0.3735367777777778 0.169678 0.6963689999999999 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 2.3510633333333333 1.7983099999999999 2.707 Sporophyte 1.97416 1.97416 1.97416 Seedling, sporophyte 0.7940385 0.764011 0.824066 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 1.24729 1.15076 1.34382 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 1.193605 1.1467100000000001 1.2405 Whole plant 1.3898766666666666 1.09541 1.8891200000000001 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 0.8488736666666666 0.804264 0.8882479999999999 Callus 3.7416699999999996 3.7416699999999996 3.7416699999999996 Differentiating Callus 4.8480533333333335 3.87319 6.37897 Proliferating Callus 10.92034 7.81942 13.0308 Bulbil 1.34066 1.34066 1.34066 Leaf 2.5556714307692308 0.0 13.3035 Leaf (without leaf tip) 0.280092 0.179652 0.362082 Leaf Tip 2.4119566666666667 1.9746400000000002 3.0734 Root 1.36763 1.36763 1.36763 Root (without root tip) 1.0144710000000001 0.900493 1.10331 Root Tip 1.71012 1.2499200000000001 2.00035 Differentiated root 1.2624056666666665 0.635617 1.61656 Shoot Apex 5.51546 5.51546 5.51546 Shoot 0.560009 0.27694 0.990159 Shoot Tip 4.4704733333333335 4.37648 4.60352 Vegetative Frond 2.74017 2.74017 2.74017 Frond 0.20624092222222223 0.0440418 0.544145