condition mean min max Gametophyte 74.2539 41.1331 109.45200000000001 Male Gametophyte 5.52004 5.15057 6.00016 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 26.526677777777778 20.6246 30.7525 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 101.64743333333332 98.6021 107.066 Sporophyte 18.3524 18.3524 18.3524 Seedling, sporophyte 18.040950000000002 16.8242 19.2577 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 17.5824 15.0335 20.1313 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 38.203500000000005 36.3117 40.0953 Whole plant 44.84063333333333 39.8548 50.6909 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 34.858266666666665 33.7287 36.0047 Callus 13.3312 13.3312 13.3312 Differentiating Callus 21.427666666666667 20.2785 22.1148 Proliferating Callus 22.2419 17.1953 26.3165 Bulbil 5.6487099999999995 5.6487099999999995 5.6487099999999995 Leaf 10.69170345897436 0.0 62.2379 Leaf (without leaf tip) 7.528263333333333 7.33529 7.7664 Leaf Tip 17.748 17.0963 18.3194 Root 20.6017 20.6017 20.6017 Root (without root tip) 7.714753333333333 5.15045 11.8919 Root Tip 80.23556666666667 35.0351 114.17 Differentiated root 19.08237666666667 9.59093 34.3881 Shoot Apex 20.5647 20.5647 20.5647 Shoot 2.276623333333333 1.52453 3.4177199999999996 Shoot Tip 36.9465 35.9318 38.2415 Vegetative Frond 8.625160000000001 8.625160000000001 8.625160000000001 Frond 0.5635200740740741 0.0355717 1.45347