condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.5828303333333333 0.155756 0.991563 Male Gametophyte 11.374233333333333 10.3904 12.3948 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 16.155044444444442 11.927999999999999 18.3648 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.8752753333333333 0.643349 1.16212 Sporophyte 10.7352 10.7352 10.7352 Seedling, sporophyte 22.534100000000002 20.7842 24.284000000000002 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 16.12645 15.5358 16.7171 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 26.801250000000003 26.2142 27.3883 Whole plant 32.9411 31.7426 34.5008 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 32.523399999999995 32.4128 32.657 Callus 3.91146 3.91146 3.91146 Differentiating Callus 2.744 2.28631 3.4231300000000005 Proliferating Callus 3.0796566666666667 2.6632 3.3569 Bulbil 3.52202 3.52202 3.52202 Leaf 20.965286233333334 0.07774310000000001 109.169 Leaf (without leaf tip) 28.558333333333334 27.4273 30.7214 Leaf Tip 13.284333333333333 10.7377 14.6578 Root 29.6621 29.6621 29.6621 Root (without root tip) 75.06703333333333 67.1843 87.0417 Root Tip 12.677735 5.36592 18.1144 Differentiated root 70.66546666666667 62.7781 84.5902 Shoot Apex 15.2969 15.2969 15.2969 Shoot 21.910366666666665 17.8748 26.9761 Shoot Tip 14.208066666666666 13.3721 15.8516 Vegetative Frond 15.6236 15.6236 15.6236 Frond 32.07635555555556 25.1049 39.135999999999996