condition mean min max Gametophyte 6.047713333333333 4.7564 7.29095 Male Gametophyte 17.127266666666667 15.5106 20.2612 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 21.509455555555554 17.7099 25.0198 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 11.253066666666667 10.3162 12.309000000000001 Sporophyte 5.94561 5.94561 5.94561 Seedling, sporophyte 16.2538 14.9119 17.5957 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 15.619600000000002 14.5006 16.7386 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 14.699000000000002 14.119000000000002 15.279000000000002 Whole plant 35.34813333333334 33.853 36.2372 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 30.755266666666667 26.5968 33.6181 Callus 5.7678400000000005 5.7678400000000005 5.7678400000000005 Differentiating Callus 3.684756666666667 2.91637 4.70704 Proliferating Callus 2.6518633333333335 1.46574 3.3246800000000003 Bulbil 1.9142599999999999 1.9142599999999999 1.9142599999999999 Leaf 10.114838153846154 0.0 25.1372 Leaf (without leaf tip) 20.121366666666667 19.2518 21.0613 Leaf Tip 7.305876666666667 5.947030000000001 8.68854 Root 1.96859 1.96859 1.96859 Root (without root tip) 10.403496666666666 9.618089999999999 11.522 Root Tip 7.895923333333333 4.20725 12.0701 Differentiated root 13.6983 12.165999999999999 16.3278 Shoot Apex 7.54604 7.54604 7.54604 Shoot 19.2327 14.5089 22.814 Shoot Tip 6.102853333333333 4.98396 7.395569999999999 Vegetative Frond 16.1816 16.1816 16.1816 Frond 39.7491 29.3862 49.9868