condition	mean	min	max
Gametophyte	13.898166666666667	11.4903	18.3321
Male Gametophyte	20.109933333333334	17.6956	23.539
Hermaphrodite Gametophyte	20.676133333333333	18.489	22.2157
Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3	20.2444	19.7489	20.6457
Sporophyte	48.2528	48.2528	48.2528
Seedling, sporophyte	23.704349999999998	22.4692	24.9395
Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment	22.735149999999997	22.3784	23.0919
Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment	23.579900000000002	23.3113	23.8485
Whole plant	44.4801	42.3663	46.2815
Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin	45.210166666666666	43.643	46.9457
Callus	24.6094	24.6094	24.6094
Differentiating Callus	59.41036666666667	56.4182	62.9671
Proliferating Callus	71.3912	67.684	74.9485
Bulbil	4.02495	4.02495	4.02495
Leaf	11.623409692307693	0.31001100000000004	34.0501
Leaf (without leaf tip)	14.350266666666666	13.5435	15.5823
Leaf Tip	50.62173333333333	48.2643	51.9606
Root	9.10483	9.10483	9.10483
Root (without root tip)	8.60111	6.92108	10.5982
Root Tip	40.574866666666665	35.2765	48.3858
Differentiated root	11.376553333333334	9.79676	13.148
Shoot Apex	22.0467	22.0467	22.0467
Shoot	16.736666666666668	15.8069	17.7785
Shoot Tip	44.243900000000004	41.3168	45.9712
Vegetative Frond	16.858	16.858	16.858
Frond	4.8523559259259255	2.9386	8.35555