condition mean min max Gametophyte 4.355086666666667 2.09707 5.76486 Male Gametophyte 5.811873333333334 4.71381 6.3865300000000005 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 7.861872222222223 6.43613 10.0104 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 8.721226666666666 8.04321 9.45312 Sporophyte 6.35912 6.35912 6.35912 Seedling, sporophyte 3.320385 2.70693 3.93384 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.587210000000001 4.48535 4.68907 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.68005 2.6674599999999997 2.6926400000000004 Whole plant 10.554133333333333 10.0341 11.2957 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 10.419 9.53697 12.1665 Callus 4.82745 4.82745 4.82745 Differentiating Callus 6.157166666666667 4.42999 7.25835 Proliferating Callus 4.872633333333333 4.30282 5.2304699999999995 Bulbil 0.560218 0.560218 0.560218 Leaf 3.2819996666666666 0.267768 6.97249 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.6485133333333333 3.18155 3.92409 Leaf Tip 6.102953333333334 5.68818 6.3606300000000005 Root 0.7462340000000001 0.7462340000000001 0.7462340000000001 Root (without root tip) 4.409456666666667 3.6596800000000003 5.26828 Root Tip 4.924621666666667 2.6527700000000003 6.48581 Differentiated root 4.451246666666667 4.2339 4.74275 Shoot Apex 5.22778 5.22778 5.22778 Shoot 3.85858 2.75124 4.97237 Shoot Tip 6.64556 6.27756 7.076280000000001 Vegetative Frond 4.27923 4.27923 4.27923 Frond 5.369477037037037 2.34199 8.01038