condition mean min max Gametophyte 8.623823333333334 7.18975 10.9766 Male Gametophyte 20.1072 15.1278 23.5324 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 29.29232222222222 18.7058 36.7277 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 12.360263333333332 9.71199 15.4778 Sporophyte 80.0888 80.0888 80.0888 Seedling, sporophyte 67.5063 57.6051 77.4075 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 65.55324999999999 59.3728 71.7337 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 79.45089999999999 74.4636 84.4382 Whole plant 57.3671 50.7022 63.3186 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 49.4244 45.03 53.4257 Callus 31.7532 31.7532 31.7532 Differentiating Callus 57.2718 42.86 83.0465 Proliferating Callus 57.645066666666665 49.8399 64.7217 Bulbil 13.4024 13.4024 13.4024 Leaf 41.77832717948718 0.572597 133.525 Leaf (without leaf tip) 50.641999999999996 45.0009 57.178999999999995 Leaf Tip 69.74123333333333 61.4246 80.1079 Root 14.8946 14.8946 14.8946 Root (without root tip) 36.73263333333333 33.0991 39.6278 Root Tip 34.47493333333333 24.1894 42.0656 Differentiated root 25.184366666666666 20.7672 28.3892 Shoot Apex 45.4971 45.4971 45.4971 Shoot 17.00617666666667 8.43213 26.7518 Shoot Tip 70.06053333333332 62.5585 78.1634 Vegetative Frond 52.225 52.225 52.225 Frond 22.58056296296296 16.4339 32.525999999999996