condition mean min max Gametophyte 22.122033333333334 13.7766 29.6841 Male Gametophyte 75.6121 72.2048 78.8277 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 328.51855555555557 241.65900000000002 409.26 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 35.712466666666664 32.884 37.8473 Sporophyte 96.3529 96.3529 96.3529 Seedling, sporophyte 56.98455 56.9179 57.0512 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 53.4484 51.1447 55.7521 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 172.2935 171.206 173.38099999999997 Whole plant 62.8589 57.9458 67.7807 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 70.79753333333333 63.0255 78.1126 Callus 69.6367 69.6367 69.6367 Differentiating Callus 39.18213333333333 36.0619 43.8661 Proliferating Callus 39.1461 32.5102 45.3192 Bulbil 20.4124 20.4124 20.4124 Leaf 66.89010061538461 0.9150940000000001 181.472 Leaf (without leaf tip) 141.766 139.27200000000002 143.878 Leaf Tip 98.73610000000001 96.3759 100.647 Root 13.4304 13.4304 13.4304 Root (without root tip) 54.740566666666666 49.3058 62.0209 Root Tip 62.60953333333333 35.2728 74.5182 Differentiated root 71.86673333333333 67.4136 74.1278 Shoot Apex 124.78 124.78 124.78 Shoot 181.986 140.806 217.93099999999998 Shoot Tip 70.5028 68.8999 72.4703 Vegetative Frond 134.726 134.726 134.726 Frond 456.0686666666667 327.415 632.0840000000001