condition mean min max Gametophyte 25.684166666666666 19.5008 31.2951 Male Gametophyte 44.059000000000005 40.3907 50.8888 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 63.15855555555556 54.372 73.3623 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 45.27563333333333 37.3 50.0492 Sporophyte 42.1376 42.1376 42.1376 Seedling, sporophyte 67.5067 66.4736 68.5398 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 70.5611 68.0379 73.0843 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 66.03999999999999 62.9325 69.1475 Whole plant 78.6757 77.145 80.9419 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 84.20596666666667 78.8104 87.7264 Callus 6.05294 6.05294 6.05294 Differentiating Callus 8.753286666666666 7.3353 10.5069 Proliferating Callus 9.669039999999999 5.80092 12.2373 Bulbil 7.33488 7.33488 7.33488 Leaf 31.59870612820513 0.575379 79.3675 Leaf (without leaf tip) 65.71426666666667 61.8957 69.9241 Leaf Tip 37.692 34.6556 42.1477 Root 7.66547 7.66547 7.66547 Root (without root tip) 22.299966666666666 19.8521 25.2684 Root Tip 21.327283333333334 13.7838 26.4357 Differentiated root 28.538233333333334 28.2437 28.8219 Shoot Apex 32.2537 32.2537 32.2537 Shoot 55.06466666666667 51.3204 61.7106 Shoot Tip 23.2723 21.2192 26.6555 Vegetative Frond 51.1261 51.1261 51.1261 Frond 67.75228518518519 53.0491 92.5679