condition mean min max Gametophyte 2.6402293333333335 0.803818 3.88774 Male Gametophyte 39.173633333333335 36.75 42.1364 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 140.04188888888888 60.0471 208.02 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 11.976 11.6544 12.2447 Sporophyte 20.0986 20.0986 20.0986 Seedling, sporophyte 35.07955 33.5513 36.6078 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 114.206 105.48 122.932 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 70.6806 67.3474 74.0138 Whole plant 82.64346666666667 76.7748 91.8964 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 112.17066666666668 105.48 117.34100000000001 Callus 46.0434 46.0434 46.0434 Differentiating Callus 88.13183333333333 82.9763 97.4473 Proliferating Callus 96.31693333333334 92.4774 101.757 Bulbil 0.696649 0.696649 0.696649 Leaf 38.931556384615384 0.45132700000000003 180.41 Leaf (without leaf tip) 101.09943333333334 98.7413 102.42 Leaf Tip 19.819200000000002 19.2785 20.1034 Root 25.994 25.994 25.994 Root (without root tip) 263.27433333333335 232.148 279.752 Root Tip 34.542033333333336 11.151 51.1889 Differentiated root 198.00933333333333 126.551 239.09799999999998 Shoot Apex 6.28696 6.28696 6.28696 Shoot 32.35476666666666 23.9126 46.4959 Shoot Tip 17.959766666666667 17.2769 18.5623 Vegetative Frond 2.16818 2.16818 2.16818 Frond 30.37031074074074 3.8079099999999997 91.5614