condition mean min max Gametophyte 150.48 108.21 205.54 Male Gametophyte 80.7233 65.4218 94.9606 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 51.911522222222224 24.1057 71.8058 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 186.736 168.87 218.82299999999998 Sporophyte 173.61900000000003 173.61900000000003 173.61900000000003 Seedling, sporophyte 68.595 67.417 69.773 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 101.14695 95.7619 106.53200000000001 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 43.6479 23.7169 63.5789 Whole plant 194.962 186.81599999999997 209.584 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 204.07966666666667 160.327 235.774 Callus 63.1749 63.1749 63.1749 Differentiating Callus 100.11819999999999 92.5636 105.50299999999999 Proliferating Callus 102.9283 98.8629 106.27 Bulbil 97.9247 97.9247 97.9247 Leaf 98.51652417948718 0.0 491.849 Leaf (without leaf tip) 114.67456666666666 95.8907 139.679 Leaf Tip 192.155 173.66 202.53400000000002 Root 284.353 284.353 284.353 Root (without root tip) 55.5761 44.4086 70.6706 Root Tip 176.2615 124.87799999999999 237.801 Differentiated root 119.69736666666667 98.8571 142.789 Shoot Apex 212.987 212.987 212.987 Shoot 127.35300000000001 103.24799999999999 171.05200000000002 Shoot Tip 170.98566666666667 149.135 189.093 Vegetative Frond 104.77799999999999 104.77799999999999 104.77799999999999 Frond 36.05031555555556 7.586119999999999 75.7826