condition mean min max Gametophyte 2.085906666666667 1.73185 2.49425 Male Gametophyte 10.642323333333334 9.10988 13.5598 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 14.942955555555557 11.2329 19.0608 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 4.48791 3.90579 5.23299 Sporophyte 2.17821 2.17821 2.17821 Seedling, sporophyte 8.348785 8.09322 8.60435 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 7.819375000000001 7.465380000000001 8.17337 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 29.661749999999998 29.104 30.2195 Whole plant 9.096233333333334 7.515160000000001 10.5324 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 7.290356666666667 6.8207699999999996 8.22423 Callus 1.23728 1.23728 1.23728 Differentiating Callus 5.118843333333333 4.423369999999999 5.63237 Proliferating Callus 5.2303500000000005 3.94991 6.697310000000001 Bulbil 5.528 5.528 5.528 Leaf 13.510259666666666 0.5533170000000001 50.0696 Leaf (without leaf tip) 13.6685 13.0368 14.0628 Leaf Tip 2.7134166666666664 2.17873 3.71377 Root 2.64797 2.64797 2.64797 Root (without root tip) 11.1328 10.3894 12.5678 Root Tip 3.923261666666667 1.6023399999999999 5.57033 Differentiated root 7.501546666666667 5.5542300000000004 9.36411 Shoot Apex 5.42274 5.42274 5.42274 Shoot 4.760953333333333 3.7020199999999996 5.344609999999999 Shoot Tip 1.9330566666666666 1.5535 2.2791799999999998 Vegetative Frond 11.5557 11.5557 11.5557 Frond 22.974959259259258 17.0584 32.2886