condition mean min max Gametophyte 13.596919999999999 4.63616 20.2675 Male Gametophyte 33.99293333333333 30.494 37.1095 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 37.4648 28.4017 42.1785 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 43.9114 42.9565 44.7396 Sporophyte 56.395 56.395 56.395 Seedling, sporophyte 34.3189 32.7082 35.9296 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 38.535250000000005 35.8827 41.1878 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 31.93185 29.397 34.4667 Whole plant 53.48713333333333 50.4181 55.7576 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 51.03556666666667 47.67 53.5456 Callus 27.6088 27.6088 27.6088 Differentiating Callus 36.15436666666667 34.7679 37.8119 Proliferating Callus 36.1135 34.8008 38.4263 Bulbil 5.2618 5.2618 5.2618 Leaf 23.300131794871795 2.5244299999999997 53.857 Leaf (without leaf tip) 26.955466666666666 25.1278 28.0159 Leaf Tip 55.2449 53.6312 56.4085 Root 10.3207 10.3207 10.3207 Root (without root tip) 34.96346666666667 31.4417 37.2978 Root Tip 32.11783333333334 19.7009 39.4409 Differentiated root 29.235433333333333 28.5826 30.2599 Shoot Apex 32.1511 32.1511 32.1511 Shoot 20.323633333333333 18.6082 21.758000000000003 Shoot Tip 45.076233333333334 43.7376 46.3541 Vegetative Frond 34.3036 34.3036 34.3036 Frond 34.906874074074075 24.62 41.5438