condition mean min max Gametophyte 48.1438 37.3528 62.3285 Male Gametophyte 91.9909 89.1604 93.6965 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 245.28555555555556 228.43900000000002 271.164 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 72.36816666666667 70.2314 74.2617 Sporophyte 196.365 196.365 196.365 Seedling, sporophyte 67.4008 64.2779 70.5237 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 75.36195000000001 74.3854 76.3385 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 68.28909999999999 65.2491 71.3291 Whole plant 112.12599999999999 107.74799999999999 114.65299999999999 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 122.84599999999999 116.36 128.16299999999998 Callus 150.47799999999998 150.47799999999998 150.47799999999998 Differentiating Callus 119.41133333333333 103.46600000000001 128.481 Proliferating Callus 124.16366666666667 108.37100000000001 139.891 Bulbil 33.3404 33.3404 33.3404 Leaf 81.46111512820512 3.06069 283.33 Leaf (without leaf tip) 104.86733333333333 103.102 105.823 Leaf Tip 191.858 189.42 196.35 Root 55.1951 55.1951 55.1951 Root (without root tip) 88.00973333333333 83.6955 94.5407 Root Tip 244.18783333333334 189.40400000000002 276.515 Differentiated root 101.44216666666667 93.1845 107.557 Shoot Apex 127.06 127.06 127.06 Shoot 78.47723333333333 67.57 85.229 Shoot Tip 166.79 166.47799999999998 167.282 Vegetative Frond 61.5893 61.5893 61.5893 Frond 93.31321851851853 50.7328 125.788