condition mean min max Gametophyte 4.01197 1.53444 6.0518 Male Gametophyte 19.186333333333334 17.7549 20.6836 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 17.967433333333332 13.6546 21.119 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 19.368 18.8337 19.9882 Sporophyte 28.7071 28.7071 28.7071 Seedling, sporophyte 20.3029 20.2151 20.3907 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 22.1685 20.8716 23.4654 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.2608 19.3092 21.2124 Whole plant 32.37853333333333 31.8384 32.747 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 32.50396666666666 32.0011 33.385999999999996 Callus 12.6733 12.6733 12.6733 Differentiating Callus 15.570566666666666 14.6745 16.8075 Proliferating Callus 15.854166666666666 12.7879 18.3725 Bulbil 2.6955299999999998 2.6955299999999998 2.6955299999999998 Leaf 13.744093128205128 0.879352 33.3986 Leaf (without leaf tip) 16.7484 15.735999999999999 17.4706 Leaf Tip 27.822066666666668 26.5074 28.714000000000002 Root 7.29703 7.29703 7.29703 Root (without root tip) 20.9262 20.807 21.034000000000002 Root Tip 24.59179333333333 9.76486 35.2926 Differentiated root 19.3925 18.2633 21.406 Shoot Apex 19.3959 19.3959 19.3959 Shoot 12.7226 10.7365 16.166 Shoot Tip 28.78996666666667 28.4948 29.2945 Vegetative Frond 19.3373 19.3373 19.3373 Frond 19.67338148148148 11.2033 25.8164