condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.9765026666666667 0.610548 2.89102 Male Gametophyte 36.4642 35.803000000000004 36.9276 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 51.6812 41.681000000000004 61.3792 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 9.760456666666666 9.30139 10.1921 Sporophyte 3.4731699999999996 3.4731699999999996 3.4731699999999996 Seedling, sporophyte 4.02646 3.9171300000000002 4.13579 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.978315 4.94168 5.01495 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.01131 3.87083 4.15179 Whole plant 7.158226666666667 6.59455 8.25297 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 6.9580866666666665 6.630439999999999 7.3053300000000005 Callus 12.3899 12.3899 12.3899 Differentiating Callus 6.331253333333334 5.94071 7.00427 Proliferating Callus 7.0378066666666665 6.30021 7.693560000000001 Bulbil 0.719377 0.719377 0.719377 Leaf 2.7101531571794872 0.0 20.1906 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.41615 3.2827800000000003 3.66206 Leaf Tip 3.3060866666666664 3.0596400000000004 3.4739999999999998 Root 0.00726473 0.00726473 0.00726473 Root (without root tip) 0.004908733333333333 0.0 0.0147262 Root Tip 0.3945413333333333 0.191217 0.755084 Differentiated root 0.3212046666666667 0.205996 0.474005 Shoot Apex 2.38095 2.38095 2.38095 Shoot 7.3014133333333335 6.39039 8.38955 Shoot Tip 4.401036666666666 4.16815 4.59727 Vegetative Frond 3.27501 3.27501 3.27501 Frond 2.986461851851852 0.520319 7.563039999999999