condition mean min max Gametophyte 4.649116666666666 1.69252 6.54881 Male Gametophyte 10.627123333333333 9.29267 11.9853 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 16.95767777777778 13.9085 20.7181 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 14.6505 13.6965 15.9354 Sporophyte 15.4368 15.4368 15.4368 Seedling, sporophyte 13.463550000000001 12.8665 14.0606 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 12.3868 11.5438 13.2298 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 13.2332 12.558 13.9084 Whole plant 26.614533333333334 24.7301 28.0242 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 25.137266666666665 23.3152 26.6378 Callus 6.86534 6.86534 6.86534 Differentiating Callus 6.69236 5.93675 7.763669999999999 Proliferating Callus 6.962313333333333 5.78939 7.8715399999999995 Bulbil 1.69356 1.69356 1.69356 Leaf 8.425097923076923 0.434463 23.6878 Leaf (without leaf tip) 15.258 14.0078 16.2476 Leaf Tip 16.147433333333332 15.4405 16.8777 Root 1.29118 1.29118 1.29118 Root (without root tip) 3.460183333333333 2.73801 3.98598 Root Tip 9.858690000000001 4.91456 12.5145 Differentiated root 5.917306666666667 5.00727 7.4658 Shoot Apex 13.0649 13.0649 13.0649 Shoot 14.816099999999999 13.8052 15.3646 Shoot Tip 11.9041 11.462 12.2837 Vegetative Frond 11.5274 11.5274 11.5274 Frond 14.046266666666666 10.0697 22.2278