condition mean min max Gametophyte 6.22973 3.6304300000000005 7.53487 Male Gametophyte 13.156366666666667 12.8535 13.4803 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 16.715733333333333 14.6828 18.8469 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 10.846473333333334 9.80742 11.4497 Sporophyte 11.4097 11.4097 11.4097 Seedling, sporophyte 15.728200000000001 15.513 15.9434 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 14.17 13.2704 15.0696 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 12.918299999999999 12.4333 13.4033 Whole plant 31.77 30.3423 32.7132 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 28.5503 27.5839 29.6009 Callus 5.1139 5.1139 5.1139 Differentiating Callus 5.840686666666667 5.112769999999999 6.47887 Proliferating Callus 5.52436 3.85293 6.47536 Bulbil 1.29456 1.29456 1.29456 Leaf 8.402163512820513 0.937277 17.6876 Leaf (without leaf tip) 15.087666666666667 13.7949 16.9951 Leaf Tip 11.7753 11.4125 12.1242 Root 1.96623 1.96623 1.96623 Root (without root tip) 8.174883333333334 7.08812 9.06655 Root Tip 9.550158333333332 4.74408 13.3729 Differentiated root 11.626853333333333 9.064060000000001 14.7354 Shoot Apex 8.66755 8.66755 8.66755 Shoot 13.405933333333333 12.1107 14.5725 Shoot Tip 9.98218 9.82669 10.2586 Vegetative Frond 14.8225 14.8225 14.8225 Frond 20.630814814814816 16.6944 28.2241