condition mean min max Gametophyte 11.192183333333332 7.18975 15.4102 Male Gametophyte 49.2808 40.57 54.5028 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 39.001777777777775 29.9628 50.4065 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 6.58625 4.42223 9.09309 Sporophyte 43.0007 43.0007 43.0007 Seedling, sporophyte 51.88015 45.6752 58.0851 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 53.8768 47.3984 60.3552 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 36.8056 34.7403 38.8709 Whole plant 70.12213333333334 67.6029 71.9956 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 71.7077 67.8832 78.64399999999999 Callus 25.7995 25.7995 25.7995 Differentiating Callus 69.82973333333334 52.9447 82.2556 Proliferating Callus 63.66556666666667 42.2372 75.7925 Bulbil 40.6974 40.6974 40.6974 Leaf 53.693472564102564 0.0 153.494 Leaf (without leaf tip) 61.92433333333334 55.5986 71.9667 Leaf Tip 43.38713333333334 41.6619 45.4885 Root 36.7711 36.7711 36.7711 Root (without root tip) 42.63523333333333 38.6842 46.0088 Root Tip 47.703633333333336 29.7537 66.5382 Differentiated root 49.216166666666666 45.5548 51.4736 Shoot Apex 73.5983 73.5983 73.5983 Shoot 27.435533333333336 23.6411 33.9313 Shoot Tip 45.08023333333334 42.4915 47.3132 Vegetative Frond 70.4105 70.4105 70.4105 Frond 26.034288888888888 13.8776 37.7985