condition mean min max Gametophyte 233.17466666666667 188.533 295.668 Male Gametophyte 199.90333333333334 194.86700000000002 209.62099999999998 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 486.24766666666665 459.58099999999996 522.2819999999999 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 334.50533333333334 330.241 339.56 Sporophyte 598.597 598.597 598.597 Seedling, sporophyte 170.637 169.195 172.079 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 176.0555 173.65099999999998 178.46 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 159.91899999999998 154.23 165.608 Whole plant 127.432 117.756 132.739 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 125.10866666666666 123.609 127.49799999999999 Callus 352.852 352.852 352.852 Differentiating Callus 439.50233333333335 360.88300000000004 491.028 Proliferating Callus 419.30266666666665 337.103 471.21 Bulbil 87.5829 87.5829 87.5829 Leaf 226.7068458974359 8.357389999999999 927.382 Leaf (without leaf tip) 130.783 127.851 133.82299999999998 Leaf Tip 599.471 597.742 602.0509999999999 Root 93.5972 93.5972 93.5972 Root (without root tip) 132.231 128.692 134.059 Root Tip 547.4275 437.408 772.2 Differentiated root 158.19866666666667 151.505 162.793 Shoot Apex 325.441 325.441 325.441 Shoot 181.258 154.539 195.543 Shoot Tip 473.39433333333335 465.125 482.68800000000005 Vegetative Frond 129.70600000000002 129.70600000000002 129.70600000000002 Frond 185.57005555555557 83.3816 247.44799999999998