condition mean min max Gametophyte 20.983433333333334 17.6185 26.1782 Male Gametophyte 13.165066666666666 11.785 14.9315 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 25.659111111111113 20.6374 32.0577 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 21.463733333333334 19.7336 24.0364 Sporophyte 32.5223 32.5223 32.5223 Seedling, sporophyte 37.6263 37.5463 37.7063 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 30.994349999999997 29.0311 32.9576 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 13.6115 12.5118 14.7112 Whole plant 59.6444 56.1999 63.2961 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 60.7421 58.976000000000006 61.8783 Callus 8.03309 8.03309 8.03309 Differentiating Callus 10.125993333333334 7.79558 11.672 Proliferating Callus 6.329636666666667 5.20653 6.9455 Bulbil 2.79104 2.79104 2.79104 Leaf 13.48411182051282 0.20678400000000002 46.6022 Leaf (without leaf tip) 43.166066666666666 40.3203 47.091 Leaf Tip 31.449733333333334 28.9395 32.8797 Root 0.834089 0.834089 0.834089 Root (without root tip) 1.0195376666666667 0.7956529999999999 1.163 Root Tip 8.9284 7.5239199999999995 13.1327 Differentiated root 1.5663123333333335 0.556497 2.2269900000000002 Shoot Apex 11.9427 11.9427 11.9427 Shoot 23.2052 22.0431 25.2754 Shoot Tip 16.7221 15.4831 17.7264 Vegetative Frond 14.3525 14.3525 14.3525 Frond 10.358443333333334 5.23537 17.3668