condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.2296928 0.0576544 0.355912 Male Gametophyte 4.88681 4.34774 5.6189 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 4.653363333333333 3.57265 5.5073 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 2.67934 2.43762 2.92415 Sporophyte 1.01086 1.01086 1.01086 Seedling, sporophyte 2.009385 1.8863299999999998 2.1324400000000003 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.17442 2.1031 2.24574 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.045615 1.80705 2.28418 Whole plant 14.747433333333333 13.3882 15.4779 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 15.854433333333334 14.3931 16.8218 Callus 2.61258 2.61258 2.61258 Differentiating Callus 3.0909400000000002 2.99744 3.27488 Proliferating Callus 2.5296866666666666 1.89275 3.28594 Bulbil 0.302077 0.302077 0.302077 Leaf 4.912721805128205 0.05893430000000001 20.5581 Leaf (without leaf tip) 1.20214 1.12278 1.25296 Leaf Tip 0.9655533333333334 0.77935 1.1062100000000001 Root 1.14701 1.14701 1.14701 Root (without root tip) 1.9135066666666667 1.43097 2.23331 Root Tip 0.15483671666666665 0.0496559 0.25490799999999997 Differentiated root 0.12080576666666668 0.0841713 0.171258 Shoot Apex 4.33891 4.33891 4.33891 Shoot 1.38897 1.19189 1.55329 Shoot Tip 1.09331 1.05683 1.1515 Vegetative Frond 6.1385 6.1385 6.1385 Frond 0.5130443333333333 0.187347 1.103