condition mean min max Gametophyte 27.93133333333333 14.0899 38.2026 Male Gametophyte 105.11233333333332 103.45299999999999 108.31299999999999 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 126.16487777777778 95.1619 164.41099999999997 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 85.18326666666667 78.3897 88.8345 Sporophyte 196.043 196.043 196.043 Seedling, sporophyte 105.68199999999999 103.64399999999999 107.72 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 139.941 138.917 140.965 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 182.54399999999998 178.893 186.195 Whole plant 102.67503333333333 95.6671 111.51299999999999 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 106.36933333333333 101.795 114.214 Callus 207.842 207.842 207.842 Differentiating Callus 181.65699999999998 166.9 196.22299999999998 Proliferating Callus 188.06133333333332 166.331 217.87099999999998 Bulbil 25.3352 25.3352 25.3352 Leaf 52.615277769230765 0.319413 169.56599999999997 Leaf (without leaf tip) 181.716 178.562 183.915 Leaf Tip 200.00466666666668 193.80700000000002 210.11700000000002 Root 51.8388 51.8388 51.8388 Root (without root tip) 47.60856666666667 44.1757 51.9472 Root Tip 201.8645 121.85 258.937 Differentiated root 77.32776666666666 62.966 97.6381 Shoot Apex 182.296 182.296 182.296 Shoot 70.13513333333333 58.1949 80.6338 Shoot Tip 246.31266666666667 244.979 248.13299999999998 Vegetative Frond 79.4165 79.4165 79.4165 Frond 28.968003703703705 6.3257699999999994 102.277