condition mean min max Gametophyte 5.6612 2.7932200000000003 7.68756 Male Gametophyte 9.504330000000001 9.001610000000001 9.95223 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 21.08901111111111 19.4044 23.8998 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 8.297733333333333 7.19238 9.59614 Sporophyte 35.5762 35.5762 35.5762 Seedling, sporophyte 18.36435 17.9475 18.7812 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.54945 20.0123 21.0866 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 14.89125 14.3705 15.412 Whole plant 35.07073333333334 33.5771 37.6993 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 34.60856666666667 32.8107 36.7304 Callus 12.9275 12.9275 12.9275 Differentiating Callus 16.445566666666664 14.7859 17.5706 Proliferating Callus 15.398200000000001 13.585 17.6587 Bulbil 2.20808 2.20808 2.20808 Leaf 11.542594205128205 0.0 35.5415 Leaf (without leaf tip) 14.743599999999999 14.4545 15.1769 Leaf Tip 34.190799999999996 31.9961 35.5847 Root 3.11973 3.11973 3.11973 Root (without root tip) 11.173833333333334 10.474 12.0707 Root Tip 14.280533333333334 10.6386 15.8267 Differentiated root 10.748266666666668 10.2627 11.0577 Shoot Apex 29.0557 29.0557 29.0557 Shoot 12.9215 12.3141 13.717 Shoot Tip 32.25893333333333 30.1701 34.5561 Vegetative Frond 17.6777 17.6777 17.6777 Frond 9.223980000000001 5.93521 13.3403