condition mean min max Gametophyte 71.31233333333333 45.2099 105.979 Male Gametophyte 62.45013333333333 61.4418 63.6244 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 20.622844444444446 15.4464 25.8371 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 189.08433333333335 187.58 191.71 Sporophyte 48.585 48.585 48.585 Seedling, sporophyte 7.909485 7.77492 8.04405 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 12.8504 12.1879 13.5129 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 13.2027 12.612 13.7934 Whole plant 31.537599999999998 30.4314 32.1108 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 31.302566666666667 30.3747 32.6131 Callus 23.7836 23.7836 23.7836 Differentiating Callus 35.810066666666664 33.4217 38.3266 Proliferating Callus 27.158833333333334 21.5384 30.3169 Bulbil 8.535630000000001 8.535630000000001 8.535630000000001 Leaf 38.47710776923077 0.241851 482.11699999999996 Leaf (without leaf tip) 3.27288 3.08275 3.3989999999999996 Leaf Tip 49.6222 48.5966 50.1637 Root 10.2257 10.2257 10.2257 Root (without root tip) 1.3816506666666666 0.9337719999999999 1.61389 Root Tip 52.53035 43.5492 60.0721 Differentiated root 7.327653333333333 5.07955 10.2335 Shoot Apex 61.3952 61.3952 61.3952 Shoot 7.608723333333334 5.471430000000001 9.21166 Shoot Tip 79.36826666666667 78.5424 79.9457 Vegetative Frond 25.9219 25.9219 25.9219 Frond 0.2199321851851852 0.0 1.40551