condition mean min max Gametophyte 5.68473 2.1322900000000002 12.5851 Male Gametophyte 17.1525 13.2751 21.51 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 14.172428888888888 8.07766 22.7172 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 31.3599 29.6467 32.8218 Sporophyte 28.1109 28.1109 28.1109 Seedling, sporophyte 19.81145 16.7643 22.8586 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 27.431449999999998 24.0715 30.7914 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 27.626649999999998 25.5308 29.7225 Whole plant 55.162733333333335 52.8958 58.2737 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 45.964933333333335 44.0739 47.1626 Callus 33.6683 33.6683 33.6683 Differentiating Callus 11.933 10.6231 13.1085 Proliferating Callus 10.875603333333334 8.19421 12.452 Bulbil 22.1078 22.1078 22.1078 Leaf 23.233944333333334 0.0 70.5928 Leaf (without leaf tip) 24.292033333333332 19.9026 26.741999999999997 Leaf Tip 29.16763333333333 22.3291 37.0562 Root 37.2399 37.2399 37.2399 Root (without root tip) 29.885366666666666 28.6509 30.8258 Root Tip 21.86006666666667 10.0435 33.3774 Differentiated root 10.83058 6.92404 13.5283 Shoot Apex 31.3104 31.3104 31.3104 Shoot 6.40464 5.8649 6.7707 Shoot Tip 26.644566666666666 22.3 29.5885 Vegetative Frond 32.6911 32.6911 32.6911 Frond 4.714257037037037 1.5728799999999998 9.90064