condition	mean	min	max
Gametophyte	8.790953333333333	6.2647699999999995	10.7639
Male Gametophyte	20.85846666666667	19.0348	24.462
Hermaphrodite Gametophyte	9.660108888888889	7.739039999999999	12.2461
Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3	4.759223333333333	3.14958	7.41
Sporophyte	5.15192	5.15192	5.15192
Seedling, sporophyte	4.361795	3.63814	5.08545
Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment	6.14095	5.98958	6.29232
Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment	7.549265	7.30218	7.79635
Whole plant	13.057166666666667	12.5133	14.0425
Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin	17.164433333333335	15.3057	18.2368
Callus	6.8078	6.8078	6.8078
Differentiating Callus	2.942393666666667	0.797981	4.23948
Proliferating Callus	4.070286666666666	3.0072200000000002	5.11372
Bulbil	0.9069649999999999	0.9069649999999999	0.9069649999999999
Leaf	8.539721256410257	0.0	34.1902
Leaf (without leaf tip)	2.47333	1.23015	3.45456
Leaf Tip	4.432113333333334	3.77227	5.15315
Root	8.68784	8.68784	8.68784
Root (without root tip)	4.658286666666667	3.7105099999999998	5.74262
Root Tip	5.233926666666667	3.0909400000000002	8.849260000000001
Differentiated root	18.0746	13.3162	22.5896
Shoot Apex	6.52548	6.52548	6.52548
Shoot	4.47952	3.76614	5.13513
Shoot Tip	5.023973333333333	4.4988	5.30396
Vegetative Frond	6.11595	6.11595	6.11595
Frond	2.542007037037037	1.1713200000000001	4.3721