condition	mean	min	max
Gametophyte	0.0946322	0.053687599999999995	0.12428399999999999
Male Gametophyte	3.437456666666667	2.2734400000000003	4.84154
Hermaphrodite Gametophyte	1.3229671111111112	0.740642	1.69629
Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3	0.11751166666666667	0.100143	0.126717
Sporophyte	0.0973763	0.0973763	0.0973763
Seedling, sporophyte	0.08706739999999999	0.0434828	0.130652
Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment	0.011202950000000001	0.0	0.022405900000000003
Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment	0.05399005	0.0424214	0.0655587
Whole plant	0.32636366666666666	0.265085	0.385194
Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin	0.568958	0.209108	0.930134
Callus	0.46738900000000005	0.46738900000000005	0.46738900000000005
Differentiating Callus	0.438947	0.179106	0.604869
Proliferating Callus	0.5306046666666666	0.42426499999999995	0.72692
Bulbil	0.059219600000000004	0.059219600000000004	0.059219600000000004
Leaf	0.18841234615384617	0.0	1.04765
Leaf (without leaf tip)	0.11826413333333333	0.06646039999999999	0.176708
Leaf Tip	0.0892473	0.07357860000000001	0.0973996
Root	0.0632425	0.0632425	0.0632425
Root (without root tip)	1.120346	0.49142399999999997	2.31108
Root Tip	0.20740861666666666	0.0231197	0.379659
Differentiated root	1.7550033333333332	1.36638	2.2915
Shoot Apex	0.0808075	0.0808075	0.0808075
Shoot	0.02545973333333333	0.0	0.0763792
Shoot Tip	0.174086	0.14285599999999998	0.21383000000000002
Vegetative Frond	0.295662	0.295662	0.295662
Frond	0.1829559962962963	0.0	0.915335