condition mean min max Gametophyte 142.78366666666668 125.31 176.09900000000002 Male Gametophyte 108.91733333333333 104.265 114.579 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 95.90922222222223 82.625 117.898 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 197.49933333333334 192.178 207.22299999999998 Sporophyte 278.2 278.2 278.2 Seedling, sporophyte 113.98949999999999 108.066 119.913 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 130.48899999999998 127.225 133.753 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 111.61950000000002 109.34200000000001 113.897 Whole plant 76.315 70.6122 81.0693 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 70.77996666666667 67.4441 73.1757 Callus 132.42700000000002 132.42700000000002 132.42700000000002 Differentiating Callus 195.77333333333334 171.063 239.11 Proliferating Callus 173.9983333333333 135.253 235.75599999999997 Bulbil 17.5093 17.5093 17.5093 Leaf 70.94659717948718 4.1566 206.30599999999998 Leaf (without leaf tip) 54.86656666666667 53.4538 57.6163 Leaf Tip 272.9533333333333 263.704 277.988 Root 32.8691 32.8691 32.8691 Root (without root tip) 48.13666666666666 45.5076 50.3467 Root Tip 206.67133333333334 184.327 248.36700000000002 Differentiated root 66.8158 62.9911 70.834 Shoot Apex 171.27200000000002 171.27200000000002 171.27200000000002 Shoot 64.24753333333334 62.2263 68.2367 Shoot Tip 231.37199999999999 222.137 245.601 Vegetative Frond 75.4107 75.4107 75.4107 Frond 38.38866296296296 24.916999999999998 50.018