condition mean min max Gametophyte 3.71129 1.0555299999999999 5.7825 Male Gametophyte 26.6684 25.0887 27.8571 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 86.47871111111111 70.6229 107.977 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 12.925466666666667 11.5572 14.3051 Sporophyte 16.0261 16.0261 16.0261 Seedling, sporophyte 13.2606 12.4016 14.1196 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 10.85835 10.5191 11.1976 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 26.09555 24.8326 27.3585 Whole plant 26.159966666666666 22.7116 30.7245 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 25.963833333333334 24.3385 28.4563 Callus 11.7658 11.7658 11.7658 Differentiating Callus 7.944576666666666 6.99724 8.96705 Proliferating Callus 7.90506 6.89318 9.88239 Bulbil 2.4976 2.4976 2.4976 Leaf 12.505072371794872 0.0592335 69.8658 Leaf (without leaf tip) 36.860166666666665 35.8838 37.4877 Leaf Tip 14.941566666666667 14.390999999999998 16.0299 Root 0.45457200000000003 0.45457200000000003 0.45457200000000003 Root (without root tip) 1.90287 1.79584 2.03262 Root Tip 2.584413 0.469211 4.31155 Differentiated root 1.4735423333333333 0.932057 1.78181 Shoot Apex 10.5574 10.5574 10.5574 Shoot 25.102166666666665 22.4167 29.0569 Shoot Tip 10.489066666666668 10.156 10.7108 Vegetative Frond 23.3588 23.3588 23.3588 Frond 29.404327407407408 9.39734 62.4781