condition mean min max Gametophyte 2.4872966666666665 1.32417 3.11266 Male Gametophyte 18.3247 15.2412 20.7531 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 25.76407777777778 18.1697 32.3773 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 5.8934033333333335 5.26385 6.56646 Sporophyte 18.961 18.961 18.961 Seedling, sporophyte 15.42215 14.9582 15.8861 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 15.176549999999999 14.600999999999999 15.7521 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 12.346 11.9712 12.7208 Whole plant 35.225966666666665 33.9734 36.0634 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 28.83233333333333 25.3947 32.3287 Callus 6.51069 6.51069 6.51069 Differentiating Callus 6.673163333333333 3.95254 10.1289 Proliferating Callus 11.833766666666666 10.314 14.7008 Bulbil 7.245430000000001 7.245430000000001 7.245430000000001 Leaf 17.008020769230768 1.39145 38.0199 Leaf (without leaf tip) 16.45553333333333 15.9392 17.4561 Leaf Tip 19.833033333333333 18.9655 20.4119 Root 6.1435699999999995 6.1435699999999995 6.1435699999999995 Root (without root tip) 14.373 13.9733 14.6447 Root Tip 15.3585 11.2273 21.969 Differentiated root 10.235823333333334 8.38424 12.9728 Shoot Apex 10.7521 10.7521 10.7521 Shoot 24.120566666666665 18.4862 27.101 Shoot Tip 11.012566666666666 10.732999999999999 11.3431 Vegetative Frond 17.0246 17.0246 17.0246 Frond 37.45764074074074 17.5439 67.075