condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.04846333333333334 0.0 0.14539000000000002 Male Gametophyte 1.63442 1.52957 1.7874599999999998 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 4.663484444444444 2.1661099999999998 8.15545 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.133837 0.0 0.245921 Sporophyte 5.14125 5.14125 5.14125 Seedling, sporophyte 2.59136 2.4598 2.7229200000000002 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 1.713195 1.65067 1.77572 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.7068 20.0015 21.4121 Whole plant 3.786983333333333 3.37241 4.5568 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 3.50501 2.42083 4.86718 Callus 6.7542 6.7542 6.7542 Differentiating Callus 5.177116666666667 4.67344 5.75586 Proliferating Callus 7.173583333333333 5.54322 9.7557 Bulbil 8.380180000000001 8.380180000000001 8.380180000000001 Leaf 32.12475674358974 0.460643 181.77900000000002 Leaf (without leaf tip) 21.039966666666665 19.0409 23.6836 Leaf Tip 5.687406666666666 4.75247 7.167269999999999 Root 6.936960000000001 6.936960000000001 6.936960000000001 Root (without root tip) 11.933233333333334 11.6586 12.3303 Root Tip 7.864615 1.76003 14.0825 Differentiated root 1.9739633333333333 1.44359 2.4966 Shoot Apex 12.4521 12.4521 12.4521 Shoot 5.27403 3.7513 7.54217 Shoot Tip 7.73205 6.78238 8.82895 Vegetative Frond 11.4614 11.4614 11.4614 Frond 39.59081481481481 18.875 61.3639