condition mean min max Gametophyte 16.569 12.7558 23.1887 Male Gametophyte 20.465799999999998 17.8066 23.8635 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 21.398766666666667 16.2247 26.8486 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 33.105533333333334 30.9885 35.6554 Sporophyte 34.228 34.228 34.228 Seedling, sporophyte 23.14795 18.5812 27.7147 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 22.981900000000003 21.8058 24.158 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 23.3831 20.2271 26.5391 Whole plant 53.14313333333333 52.104 54.593999999999994 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 63.6184 55.5533 68.2502 Callus 27.1977 27.1977 27.1977 Differentiating Callus 37.58136666666667 36.0723 39.2705 Proliferating Callus 31.624200000000002 29.0878 36.3615 Bulbil 12.9405 12.9405 12.9405 Leaf 29.779858205128207 5.71344 70.908 Leaf (without leaf tip) 23.015366666666665 19.8689 26.5556 Leaf Tip 30.793266666666668 27.7249 34.2362 Root 23.6565 23.6565 23.6565 Root (without root tip) 33.60133333333333 32.7497 34.5807 Root Tip 36.31863333333333 26.6233 49.1263 Differentiated root 35.58206666666667 31.4005 41.3425 Shoot Apex 34.2091 34.2091 34.2091 Shoot 21.589399999999998 18.5373 23.1951 Shoot Tip 34.590066666666665 33.4546 36.1104 Vegetative Frond 32.183 32.183 32.183 Frond 35.73997777777778 18.2766 52.6286