condition mean min max Gametophyte 104.77536666666666 83.2551 131.765 Male Gametophyte 41.527566666666665 34.0527 51.1059 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 30.662166666666668 20.2731 51.6499 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 68.71983333333333 56.1442 82.4011 Sporophyte 36.9807 36.9807 36.9807 Seedling, sporophyte 25.4852 16.5135 34.4569 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 17.09685 15.6001 18.5936 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 19.120649999999998 16.1104 22.1309 Whole plant 52.19963333333333 47.0239 61.0131 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 44.463899999999995 32.7262 56.7238 Callus 45.5131 45.5131 45.5131 Differentiating Callus 35.06816666666667 24.0913 47.6135 Proliferating Callus 42.53006666666667 19.3729 75.6793 Bulbil 11.245 11.245 11.245 Leaf 30.850836128205128 0.0 133.56 Leaf (without leaf tip) 13.110196666666667 9.78669 16.8265 Leaf Tip 27.7972 12.2494 36.9896 Root 14.6775 14.6775 14.6775 Root (without root tip) 9.789083333333332 5.43886 15.8141 Root Tip 55.110883333333334 23.4175 109.21600000000001 Differentiated root 38.273 35.3477 41.6189 Shoot Apex 28.131 28.131 28.131 Shoot 17.689733333333333 14.2677 21.0752 Shoot Tip 26.543033333333334 16.542 31.6474 Vegetative Frond 24.0609 24.0609 24.0609 Frond 7.2200062962962965 2.49031 13.607999999999999