condition mean min max Gametophyte 7.184943333333334 4.677219999999999 10.0004 Male Gametophyte 17.062566666666665 16.1282 18.2108 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 18.692611111111113 12.7599 23.9402 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 8.732636666666668 8.439630000000001 9.27627 Sporophyte 5.419919999999999 5.419919999999999 5.419919999999999 Seedling, sporophyte 7.793159999999999 7.47115 8.115169999999999 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 8.70947 8.03855 9.38039 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 6.781615 6.15953 7.4037 Whole plant 26.830266666666667 23.7355 30.7678 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 25.5264 24.3989 27.7598 Callus 9.2226 9.2226 9.2226 Differentiating Callus 9.621443333333334 7.28167 12.3426 Proliferating Callus 10.496006666666666 9.24042 11.850999999999999 Bulbil 1.28979 1.28979 1.28979 Leaf 11.262651282051282 1.10243 39.7226 Leaf (without leaf tip) 5.010226666666666 4.34249 5.879919999999999 Leaf Tip 5.088333333333333 4.91749 5.42122 Root 7.44822 7.44822 7.44822 Root (without root tip) 16.371466666666667 14.7121 19.0456 Root Tip 16.417533333333335 12.1969 18.8578 Differentiated root 20.513266666666667 18.2991 22.6902 Shoot Apex 8.310989999999999 8.310989999999999 8.310989999999999 Shoot 16.660866666666667 15.7727 18.3424 Shoot Tip 9.51624 8.87319 10.1887 Vegetative Frond 17.1208 17.1208 17.1208 Frond 14.609097407407408 3.6180800000000004 30.3323