condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.1045083333333334 0.241265 1.95481 Male Gametophyte 9.127486666666666 8.59217 9.46082 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 9.133417777777778 6.772469999999999 11.9527 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 3.1025233333333335 2.96115 3.2402 Sporophyte 3.85085 3.85085 3.85085 Seedling, sporophyte 23.4056 19.8451 26.9661 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 16.58155 16.207 16.9561 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 29.0665 28.165 29.968000000000004 Whole plant 16.180133333333334 15.7422 16.9436 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 16.793 15.089 19.1561 Callus 0.226196 0.226196 0.226196 Differentiating Callus 2.4607466666666666 2.05254 3.1551299999999998 Proliferating Callus 2.2551633333333334 1.5841100000000001 2.91189 Bulbil 19.2143 19.2143 19.2143 Leaf 25.86297264102564 0.262772 156.344 Leaf (without leaf tip) 23.543866666666666 22.5392 24.6967 Leaf Tip 3.7786033333333333 3.52696 3.9570800000000004 Root 1.57259 1.57259 1.57259 Root (without root tip) 1.77315 1.19763 2.27829 Root Tip 0.880011 0.29547399999999996 1.49648 Differentiated root 0.354654 0.107451 0.6340140000000001 Shoot Apex 42.0515 42.0515 42.0515 Shoot 10.140173333333333 9.10727 12.1052 Shoot Tip 6.941513333333333 6.833239999999999 7.057939999999999 Vegetative Frond 31.2427 31.2427 31.2427 Frond 11.812976296296297 3.6533 29.421