condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.6560599999999999 0.89699 2.42257 Male Gametophyte 13.6205 11.1518 15.6098 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 7.454854444444445 3.5581 10.394 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 1.682636 0.699908 2.23086 Sporophyte 13.0154 13.0154 13.0154 Seedling, sporophyte 5.916275 5.08545 6.7471 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 4.1306 3.02031 5.24089 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 2.51642 2.4340599999999997 2.59878 Whole plant 2.9151133333333332 2.6842 3.05203 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 3.1511446666666667 0.319944 4.99099 Callus 8.20941 8.20941 8.20941 Differentiating Callus 21.1315 8.3788 40.699 Proliferating Callus 17.232936666666667 9.40681 29.4039 Bulbil 1.48413 1.48413 1.48413 Leaf 2.3509445974358973 0.0 12.2678 Leaf (without leaf tip) 0.7412916666666667 0.246031 1.48052 Leaf Tip 14.106833333333332 13.0185 14.7518 Root 1.05663 1.05663 1.05663 Root (without root tip) 6.152513333333333 5.10196 8.091510000000001 Root Tip 3.8103308333333334 0.515033 8.50009 Differentiated root 0.8861063333333334 0.327385 1.3322200000000002 Shoot Apex 4.72535 4.72535 4.72535 Shoot 1.2262536666666666 0.28358099999999997 2.82461 Shoot Tip 15.517233333333333 13.6998 17.5031 Vegetative Frond 0.235229 0.235229 0.235229 Frond 0.03616503703703704 0.0 0.250895