condition mean min max Gametophyte 0.301865 0.12900999999999999 0.478364 Male Gametophyte 6.955346666666667 4.56841 9.0364 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 2.2379842222222224 0.8861180000000001 3.4108099999999997 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 0.7268209999999999 0.479238 0.872859 Sporophyte 3.76632 3.76632 3.76632 Seedling, sporophyte 12.0268 11.9521 12.1015 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 9.12152 8.911019999999999 9.33202 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 3.15329 3.01874 3.28784 Whole plant 9.84007 8.5486 11.7661 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 7.4905 6.69158 8.87244 Callus 0.470058 0.470058 0.470058 Differentiating Callus 5.7821533333333335 4.738180000000001 6.88554 Proliferating Callus 4.944213333333334 3.86605 6.08584 Bulbil 2.70988 2.70988 2.70988 Leaf 5.255841717948718 0.0 23.041999999999998 Leaf (without leaf tip) 4.837746666666667 4.551 5.3406199999999995 Leaf Tip 3.3988766666666663 2.68836 3.7672199999999996 Root 7.211939999999999 7.211939999999999 7.211939999999999 Root (without root tip) 19.245466666666665 18.498 19.9855 Root Tip 2.6899733333333335 1.26155 4.78636 Differentiated root 23.784866666666666 16.1206 37.9188 Shoot Apex 1.2766 1.2766 1.2766 Shoot 0.901355 0.491188 1.4315200000000001 Shoot Tip 3.03267 2.8347599999999997 3.2841 Vegetative Frond 40.4225 40.4225 40.4225 Frond 30.509146296296297 0.9372 180.43099999999998