condition mean min max Gametophyte 1.4397030000000002 0.8596590000000001 2.08053 Male Gametophyte 23.757133333333332 21.7602 24.8763 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 37.19788888888889 29.1043 44.4793 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 2.741983333333333 2.28675 3.41246 Sporophyte 3.9689099999999997 3.9689099999999997 3.9689099999999997 Seedling, sporophyte 14.6006 13.8835 15.3177 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 17.3579 16.973 17.7428 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 16.4312 15.0781 17.7843 Whole plant 22.377 17.8276 26.1692 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 22.612566666666666 21.9161 23.8334 Callus 9.42037 9.42037 9.42037 Differentiating Callus 37.979733333333336 29.2539 44.8434 Proliferating Callus 30.136066666666668 28.6335 31.5217 Bulbil 1.61632 1.61632 1.61632 Leaf 7.629669666666667 0.323327 45.325 Leaf (without leaf tip) 8.658393333333333 7.97404 9.294210000000001 Leaf Tip 3.94602 3.7129800000000004 4.15522 Root 22.3091 22.3091 22.3091 Root (without root tip) 33.872233333333334 27.1556 39.3129 Root Tip 9.021243333333333 5.18294 13.3253 Differentiated root 14.0774 11.3118 16.8012 Shoot Apex 4.94039 4.94039 4.94039 Shoot 10.245733333333334 9.2463 11.4845 Shoot Tip 6.03604 5.81024 6.16918 Vegetative Frond 0.553351 0.553351 0.553351 Frond 16.894576296296297 5.75151 31.644000000000002