condition mean min max Gametophyte 12.820666666666666 7.0908 16.8875 Male Gametophyte 29.771233333333335 28.5506 31.329 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 30.611344444444445 26.4736 35.9136 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 18.203333333333333 16.8065 19.9461 Sporophyte 19.0753 19.0753 19.0753 Seedling, sporophyte 11.495049999999999 11.3412 11.6489 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 12.03585 11.7373 12.3344 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 13.0495 11.1585 14.9405 Whole plant 39.3759 38.4404 40.7081 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 40.94423333333334 39.4063 42.173 Callus 20.6301 20.6301 20.6301 Differentiating Callus 16.5516 14.9487 19.6012 Proliferating Callus 18.218833333333333 14.9973 20.9756 Bulbil 3.4999300000000004 3.4999300000000004 3.4999300000000004 Leaf 20.02778876923077 0.191523 49.4378 Leaf (without leaf tip) 13.346333333333334 12.6366 14.7034 Leaf Tip 18.218066666666665 17.6392 19.0799 Root 8.46974 8.46974 8.46974 Root (without root tip) 25.317066666666665 22.8309 26.6082 Root Tip 27.853433333333335 20.3227 31.1048 Differentiated root 41.19636666666666 41.0385 41.4173 Shoot Apex 24.305 24.305 24.305 Shoot 18.3903 16.2602 19.6393 Shoot Tip 23.3945 22.2557 25.201999999999998 Vegetative Frond 27.5176 27.5176 27.5176 Frond 15.104555555555555 7.94745 23.3366