condition mean min max Gametophyte 6.3382233333333335 4.31436 9.03633 Male Gametophyte 6.3710666666666675 3.39089 9.295630000000001 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 27.080088888888888 13.4514 55.2431 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 7.036923333333333 6.386909999999999 7.93515 Sporophyte 42.107 42.107 42.107 Seedling, sporophyte 58.8643 55.996 61.7326 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 46.2348 45.4838 46.9858 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 23.9512 19.8047 28.0977 Whole plant 60.747 54.2747 73.1889 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 46.3525 44.783 49.4638 Callus 8.80519 8.80519 8.80519 Differentiating Callus 24.384566666666668 16.8955 34.2691 Proliferating Callus 21.110766666666667 17.1425 27.1572 Bulbil 19.6022 19.6022 19.6022 Leaf 91.79973161538462 0.509983 307.263 Leaf (without leaf tip) 147.72933333333333 144.625 153.161 Leaf Tip 37.53116666666667 34.4365 42.1171 Root 71.8767 71.8767 71.8767 Root (without root tip) 119.455 115.527 122.15700000000001 Root Tip 46.2637 15.9309 72.5494 Differentiated root 33.3977 27.894000000000002 37.0566 Shoot Apex 33.2417 33.2417 33.2417 Shoot 66.88963333333334 56.897 78.4959 Shoot Tip 39.858666666666664 35.8432 42.004 Vegetative Frond 20.0421 20.0421 20.0421 Frond 12.829293333333332 6.1078 24.7348