condition mean min max Gametophyte 4.247446666666667 3.54054 5.3787400000000005 Male Gametophyte 29.045233333333336 27.7401 31.3271 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 21.21808888888889 14.1696 25.4553 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 6.951123333333333 5.59516 7.747310000000001 Sporophyte 1.8061 1.8061 1.8061 Seedling, sporophyte 23.526049999999998 23.096 23.9561 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.4892 18.8759 22.1025 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 21.07245 20.0558 22.0891 Whole plant 27.438566666666667 25.3615 29.3641 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 26.808 26.6772 26.910999999999998 Callus 24.5497 24.5497 24.5497 Differentiating Callus 23.16753333333333 14.0236 36.1868 Proliferating Callus 41.31086666666667 30.8405 51.3564 Bulbil 3.5188900000000003 3.5188900000000003 3.5188900000000003 Leaf 6.029301102564102 0.0 18.8218 Leaf (without leaf tip) 2.1951733333333334 1.76532 2.4277900000000003 Leaf Tip 1.3161233333333333 1.06355 1.80653 Root 7.29865 7.29865 7.29865 Root (without root tip) 12.4126 10.9793 15.1036 Root Tip 41.49771666666667 34.1782 44.7155 Differentiated root 19.678333333333335 14.947000000000001 23.17 Shoot Apex 2.3869599999999997 2.3869599999999997 2.3869599999999997 Shoot 12.278903333333334 9.51431 14.0912 Shoot Tip 8.32583 7.5729999999999995 9.61912 Vegetative Frond 1.3927200000000002 1.3927200000000002 1.3927200000000002 Frond 5.734442222222222 2.61842 13.9321