condition mean min max Gametophyte 31.519666666666666 19.7808 44.5473 Male Gametophyte 92.9333 88.3033 102.02600000000001 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 50.92845555555556 40.2215 59.3616 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 125.44666666666666 120.541 132.481 Sporophyte 144.29 144.29 144.29 Seedling, sporophyte 72.76095000000001 72.0942 73.4277 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 87.5869 87.0574 88.1164 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 66.86495 66.342 67.3879 Whole plant 54.56936666666667 51.5759 57.1342 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 49.4271 44.145 53.5204 Callus 41.8997 41.8997 41.8997 Differentiating Callus 107.24253333333333 95.4216 119.0 Proliferating Callus 99.12203333333333 88.37899999999999 113.531 Bulbil 16.0975 16.0975 16.0975 Leaf 33.162509743589744 2.3333 120.294 Leaf (without leaf tip) 35.6126 33.5265 38.3554 Leaf Tip 138.87833333333333 133.19 144.325 Root 20.7263 20.7263 20.7263 Root (without root tip) 45.0319 44.3242 45.7769 Root Tip 67.21133333333333 43.8748 90.2046 Differentiated root 18.90983333333333 15.1848 22.6327 Shoot Apex 67.3937 67.3937 67.3937 Shoot 16.0498 15.3862 17.265 Shoot Tip 127.54666666666667 123.57600000000001 134.227 Vegetative Frond 31.1242 31.1242 31.1242 Frond 21.645588888888888 13.7024 32.6361