condition mean min max Gametophyte 65.79646666666666 39.4854 98.9276 Male Gametophyte 90.33736666666667 85.82 96.2157 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 59.98054444444444 47.9663 76.5531 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 138.49033333333333 132.386 147.41899999999998 Sporophyte 85.2152 85.2152 85.2152 Seedling, sporophyte 39.703450000000004 38.4571 40.9498 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 38.9653 38.381 39.5496 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 39.2293 35.8061 42.6525 Whole plant 125.29433333333334 112.242 142.94 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 119.84066666666666 107.34899999999999 136.649 Callus 46.8597 46.8597 46.8597 Differentiating Callus 65.89833333333334 54.568999999999996 72.0327 Proliferating Callus 72.22516666666667 63.583 80.4319 Bulbil 15.7125 15.7125 15.7125 Leaf 37.229531307692305 0.0 111.228 Leaf (without leaf tip) 45.87103333333334 39.8937 49.0856 Leaf Tip 82.5324 81.0757 85.2355 Root 45.5314 45.5314 45.5314 Root (without root tip) 39.281866666666666 35.2776 42.1696 Root Tip 89.58323333333333 77.868 102.01899999999999 Differentiated root 57.87323333333333 52.3343 67.8616 Shoot Apex 84.2569 84.2569 84.2569 Shoot 38.554833333333335 36.244 41.9709 Shoot Tip 78.8182 74.3191 84.9986 Vegetative Frond 47.5794 47.5794 47.5794 Frond 35.25653333333333 26.8198 44.2827