condition mean min max Gametophyte 2.767476666666667 1.52216 4.83093 Male Gametophyte 14.668566666666667 12.3047 16.187 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 19.90417777777778 13.5377 27.2947 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 18.465266666666665 15.632 20.6992 Sporophyte 10.3309 10.3309 10.3309 Seedling, sporophyte 29.15325 28.9173 29.3892 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 20.48145 19.2627 21.7002 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 42.729150000000004 42.3676 43.0907 Whole plant 6.144423333333333 5.64171 7.01699 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 7.05847 6.338509999999999 7.67115 Callus 1.8414099999999998 1.8414099999999998 1.8414099999999998 Differentiating Callus 17.898533333333333 16.5962 19.0673 Proliferating Callus 15.5296 15.0451 16.4459 Bulbil 14.1226 14.1226 14.1226 Leaf 17.46421894871795 0.8587790000000001 60.2449 Leaf (without leaf tip) 8.73761 8.085519999999999 9.13128 Leaf Tip 11.387766666666666 10.3334 12.3899 Root 6.20825 6.20825 6.20825 Root (without root tip) 70.24986666666666 58.4215 76.7031 Root Tip 13.682183333333333 11.1249 16.8314 Differentiated root 33.18906666666667 16.2372 42.5274 Shoot Apex 8.97954 8.97954 8.97954 Shoot 8.620546666666666 5.48149 13.3191 Shoot Tip 16.256633333333333 15.3161 17.601 Vegetative Frond 23.7188 23.7188 23.7188 Frond 47.76020740740741 10.882 279.42