condition mean min max Gametophyte 5.10729 1.8917 7.767860000000001 Male Gametophyte 2.062974 0.9212319999999999 2.65498 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 2.2755544444444444 1.66157 3.13078 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 9.568443333333333 8.48738 10.8097 Sporophyte 6.9438699999999995 6.9438699999999995 6.9438699999999995 Seedling, sporophyte 1.5150299999999999 1.46145 1.56861 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 1.926765 1.61656 2.23697 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 1.937945 1.5659100000000001 2.30998 Whole plant 2.8987133333333333 2.34475 3.3996699999999995 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 3.02721 2.74717 3.57772 Callus 3.6194800000000003 3.6194800000000003 3.6194800000000003 Differentiating Callus 7.8466 4.56786 10.2819 Proliferating Callus 9.74633 8.02464 11.5211 Bulbil 0.39745199999999997 0.39745199999999997 0.39745199999999997 Leaf 0.8132894512820513 0.0 5.12931 Leaf (without leaf tip) 0.024839966666666668 0.0 0.037458099999999994 Leaf Tip 7.651666666666666 6.945530000000001 8.807889999999999 Root 1.00807 1.00807 1.00807 Root (without root tip) 5.746526666666667 4.15717 6.95488 Root Tip 7.39773 3.02577 9.8935 Differentiated root 9.311083333333332 6.164619999999999 12.487 Shoot Apex 1.8642900000000002 1.8642900000000002 1.8642900000000002 Shoot 0.3041003333333333 0.14183199999999999 0.5126189999999999 Shoot Tip 7.71553 7.095860000000001 8.66895 Vegetative Frond 1.7008599999999998 1.7008599999999998 1.7008599999999998 Frond 2.9581254555555554 0.0 18.8715