condition mean min max Gametophyte 37.89276666666667 24.3693 52.0239 Male Gametophyte 50.965333333333334 48.8976 54.485 Hermaphrodite Gametophyte 12.596254444444444 9.43448 15.8072 Gametophyte; Antheridiogen added at D-3 39.123599999999996 36.6631 41.0406 Sporophyte 92.1322 92.1322 92.1322 Seedling, sporophyte 11.37955 9.9495 12.8096 Seedling, 24h of 2\,4-D treatment 11.232800000000001 10.1029 12.3627 Seedling, 48h of 2\,4-D treatment 15.8885 13.5808 18.1962 Whole plant 34.94786666666667 29.3231 39.5897 Whole plant, 2\,4-D Auxin 32.544466666666665 30.2618 34.2795 Callus 15.9412 15.9412 15.9412 Differentiating Callus 52.45316666666667 48.025 57.1613 Proliferating Callus 41.21893333333333 38.4117 45.9126 Bulbil 5.22921 5.22921 5.22921 Leaf 12.570817307692307 0.0 55.1826 Leaf (without leaf tip) 15.940199999999999 14.917 16.9317 Leaf Tip 93.67756666666666 92.1542 96.352 Root 3.6754300000000004 3.6754300000000004 3.6754300000000004 Root (without root tip) 1.5367383333333333 0.9388049999999999 1.93727 Root Tip 24.107333333333333 19.2557 34.8353 Differentiated root 1.9315000000000002 1.2578200000000002 2.7389900000000003 Shoot Apex 22.4084 22.4084 22.4084 Shoot 10.247796666666666 8.39219 11.9428 Shoot Tip 68.7248 66.1346 71.142 Vegetative Frond 22.3462 22.3462 22.3462 Frond 4.672364074074074 2.1657900000000003 8.85648